Thursday, March 19, 2009

Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen 30gig

Despite looking like a house brick this solid MP3 player was bought in 2005(correction 2003) when the iPod was just one of many portable music players and not the standard.
USB 2.0 Port. Mono-colour screen. Decent 30 gig capacity. Still works, zero problems in all likely hood will outlast my iPhone and whatever comes next. A true little zombie.

Attention: Sadly only a week after this article was first posted the little trooper gave up the ghost. Now it rests in a desk drawer and its owner bought a replacement with almost as much memory for a fraction of the 2003 store price. Ah Moore's Law in action.


  1. Just a correction, it was actually purchased in 2003. It sure is a trooper

  2. Fixed dear boy.

    Also for everyone else please excuse the poor formatting. I'm still learning.
