Thursday, March 19, 2009

Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen 30gig

Despite looking like a house brick this solid MP3 player was bought in 2005(correction 2003) when the iPod was just one of many portable music players and not the standard.
USB 2.0 Port. Mono-colour screen. Decent 30 gig capacity. Still works, zero problems in all likely hood will outlast my iPhone and whatever comes next. A true little zombie.

Attention: Sadly only a week after this article was first posted the little trooper gave up the ghost. Now it rests in a desk drawer and its owner bought a replacement with almost as much memory for a fraction of the 2003 store price. Ah Moore's Law in action.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Welcome to Gadget Zombie

The 1950s share house fridge, an ancient espresso maker from Papa's shed, the jet engine lawn mower that could slice through steel and the seventies TV which seemingly will live longer than yourself.

This is the home of those devices which refuse to quietly accept the grave of obsolescence or irreparable failure and keep functioning well beyond their lifetime.