Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The laptop phone...Nokia E61-1

This phone harks back to the days before iPhone murdered the need for a smart phone to have a massive QWERTY keyboard whacked on the front. Its owner assures me it is a fairly easy to use device, even if the numbers don't always work.
The biggest set back of its design has to be how bloody awfully big it is, I mean really what was the designer thinking?
"Hey let's make a phone the size of a small novel! People will love that."
Too bad if you want to put it in your pants, there is no way its frame is going to slide easily into a pocket. You're going to have a serious cased of ripped...no...torn denim. It's going to be like those new 'pocket PCs' which could only fit in a wizard's pocket.
But like all little zombies this phone just keeps going and not just with one owner. It was given by an Optus store as a temporary phone while repairs are made to a less reliable, but much smaller, model. Battle on little baby. Model number and make to come.
"Look my little hand won't even fit around it!" exclaimed the owner.